Friday, October 12, 2012

Hochwasserschutz / Floodfight

In Payerbach wird momentan ein riesiges Hochwasserschutzbecken gebaut. Es soll Hochwasser zu Spitzenzeiten abfangen. Der fertige "Pool" wird wohl fast ein See. Der soll jedoch nur geflutet werden, wenn's wirklich notwendig ist.

They build a huge flood pool to fight against river floods. Once it's done it will be more of an lake - unfortunately they fill it only in emergencies - so we don't get a new lake for the next summer...
Yeah and the streetracing kids are fun, as long as they don't crash in other cars!


Unknown said...

You mean flood flight?

RCSchim said...

no, I mean those are counter measures against possible river floods. maybe there's a better word for this ;-)